Monday, November 17, 2008

Helping a Friend in Need

..Been pretty sick today.. My sis and I ate some,what we thought was good ol' chinese, and we both ended up getting sick from it. Don't know if its food poison or what.. but i feel like crap-which usually doesn't happen.

If I could pick one thing I love doing it would probably be helping others- It's the best feeling in the world to me! On friday night I got a chance to do so. One of my friends was having some difficulties with just life in general. Not necessarily anything bad as far as getting into life's temptations, but just with their walk with God. I tell ya it's the most amazing feeling to know when you are right with God that you are able to help them and not feel guilty or a hypocrit about it. This was a conversation I thought would maybe last 20 min or so but ended up being like an hour and some... I just love it when people are able to rely on you,and you are able to give advice,,,people say I should just be a psychologist...but who knows..maybe in the long run...=)